Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Fly Through from Scott Starr on Vimeo.

Topo City

DT Animation from Scott Starr on Vimeo.

Natural Growth

Cities are often shaped in awkward and disjointed ways by an infinite number of individual variables. This type of growth is a slow adaptation to the use and habitation of the city. Master planning has historically been man's way of "conquering" nature through architecture. Le Corbusier who was famous for this type of planning said that "nature presents itself to us as a chaos, however the spirit which animates nature is a spirit of order". Using this logic I wish to present a strategy for organizing a new urban fabric for downtown Los Angeles. In this system the buildings relationship to each other is just as important as the unit of the city. Using the logic of natural topography as an organizational system for urban fabric the city will grow and change according to the ways its inhabitants use the urban environment. Lines are drawn through the city every day, we move about our daily lives interacting with and altering the fabric of the urban spaces we inhabit, and with today's technology we are tracing each and every step and interaction. Through the use of tracking and crowd sourcing the city of tomorrow can grow and change in a much faster and informed manner. It becomes a part of the conversation, reacting to our patterns and input to make our experience of the city richer and more complex.